Friday, September 30, 2011


Zach D- BM project.  Design new Thank You Certificate.  I have the old one.   I have two bills also.

Carissa and Cully- Sports Page Set Up

Dylan, Brian, Mike- Meet in the Middle to discuss the Fair Page

Brie, Alyssa- Continue working on the big Homecoming Layout. 

DeLaney, Kaylee- Homecoming Opening Blurb.  Write in Google Doc and Drop in Folder.  Alli Ferguson write up

Coloring Graphic Images

Hand drawing custom illustrations is easy and only takes a little time in Photoshop.

Step 1- Hand draw the graphic you want to use.  Preliminary Sketching should be done in pencil.  Draw lightly so pencil marks will easily erase.

Step 2- Ink your drawing.  Sharpie pens are a wonderful invention.

Step 3- Make sure your image is PHOTO-READY. 

Step 4- Use Mr. Bollman's laptop to scan the image and move it to your station using a flash drive.

Step 5- Open the image in PHOTOSHOP.

Step 6- Use EDIT>ADJUSTMENTS>THRESHOLD to remove the grain of the paper.

Step 7- Double Click on the BACKGROUND LAYER.  It will now say LAYER 0.

Step 8- Use the WAND Tool (W) to select the background. Hit Delete.

Step 9- Color the image using the BUCKET TOOL, the BRUSH, etc.

Step 10- When complete, SAVE AS a TIFF.  Make sure the SAVE TRANSPARENCY button is selected on the tiff saving option box.

Now up load the image to GRAPHIC IMAGES

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday, Sept 29th

Cully and Kaylee-  Design Fall Sports Pages.

Brie and Alyssa- Finish placing photos on Homecoming spread.

Kenzi, Jaylin, DeLaney- Write script for COMERCIAL.

Zach H- Make a list of the photos we need for first day spread AND homecoming question.

Dylan and Brian- Meet with me... first thing... for a special project.

Kayla and Ari- Draw some speech bubbles and ink them with the Sharpie Pen.

Carissa- Upload your best photos to yearbook avenue at the start of class.  Then I am going to give you a short writing assignment.

Zach D- Update the GOAL poster

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, WORK DAY

Finish your CUT-OUT.  When it is complete, show it to Kaylee or Mr. Bollman so it can be approved.

PLEASE be sure to check the COB TUTORIAL for the CORRECT WAY to make them.  It is a little different from past years.

Other projects on the docket-

Zach D- Sales pitch.

Brie- Photo Management.

Kayla & Ari- Plan Elementary photo shoot.

Zach H- Index Photos on Yearbook Avenue.

Alyssa- I need your layout design back for a few days.

Jaylin and Kenzi- You will have a new project to start today after your cut-outs are done.

Kaylee- Alli Ferguson's Stu-Mo profile completed.

Cully- Plan on shooting cross country group photos on Monday during HOMEROOM.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday 26th

ACT 1- Birthday Celebrations

ACT 2- Break into groups

Group 1- Graphic Design Artists

Reporters:  New Questionnaire over Homecoming

Kaylee- Write the Info that we'll ask the Student of The Month
Once you are done, print out the form and give it to Alli Ferguson.

Brie- Pick a few good photos from the first month of school that you'd like to share with the community in the monthly newsletter.  We will email them to Cindy DeGoey before the end of class.

Alyssa and Kayla- Drawing the Graphic Images for the homecoming spread.

Zach D- Phone Calls

Rendering Professional Cut-Out Backgrounds (COBs)

Step 1- Open the image to cut out.  You will want to work with as large an image as possible.

Step 2- Select the Magnetic Lasso Toll from the tool bar.  Use this tool to make a quick selection around your subject.  It won't be perfect but it will do the 'heavy lifting' for you.

HINTS:  Use the mouse button to click where you want a marker.  The delete button removes the last marker.  ESC lets you start completely over.  Double Click when you are ready to close your selection.

Step 3- Create a Quick MASK (Q) which floods the unwanted areas with a red mask.  Everything that is red will be removed.  Everything that is normal will remain.

Step 4- Make a perfect mask by slowly going around the image, painting red on areas you want to remove and erasing red from areas you want to keep.

HINTS- Use the HAND TOOL (H) to move around the picture.  The PAINT BRUSH (B) adds red. Make sure your brush type is a small hard tip.  You can grow and shrink it to fit the space you are filling.
ERASE (E) removes the red mask.  Again, adjust the tip of the eraser to fit the spot you are getting rid of.

Step 5- Once the Quick Mask is PERFECT, deselect the QUICKMASK (Q) and now your subject is selected (surrounded by marking ants).
Follow these steps-
<COM> + N    To OPEN NEW DOCUMENT.  Don't worry about the size.  Photoshop is smart.  It will automatically make this new document the right size for your COB.
<COM> + V   To PASTE  the selection.

Step 6-  Delete the BACKGROUND LAYER so that you only have your COB subject and a checkered background.  Now save the image as a TIFF.  MAKE SURE YOU SELECT SAVE TRANSPARENCY on the Tiff options box.

Step 7- Show your completed COB to your EDITOR for approval.

Now upload the image to the right folder on Yearbook Avenue and we are ready to go.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday, September 21st

Reporters- Meet in the middle with your completed Game Night answers.
Take turns reading them to each other. 
Kaylee B- circle ones you think are interesting/different.  Be sure to include some people that might not be covered in other parts of the book.
Zach- get the best 15 answers from Kaylee and type them up on a google doc making sure the names are spelled correctly.

Upload photos from the cameras to IPhoto.  Select the best ones that tell the story of game night and place them in folders for sending to YearbookAvenue.

Brie- Charge Camera Batteries.

Alyssa and Kayla- Drawing Graphic Design Elements.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday, Sept 20th

Today I will begin class with a demonstration on how to upload and manage images to the JOSTENS YEARBOOK AVENUE SITE.

We will also talk HOMECOMING PHOTOS.

Tuesday: GAME NIGHT- Mr. Bollman

Thursday: SKIT NIGHT and CROWNING-? ?

Friday:  FOOTBALL GAME- Mr. Bollman, ? ?
DANCE- ? ?

Students NOT shooting PHOTOS at one of these events will be reporters collecting data about homecoming.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, Sept 19th

Kaylee B- Log onto yearbook avenue and look through the Yearbook Gallery.  Look for ideas for our features.  Write down anything that really sticks out in your mind.

Alyssa- We will meet at the start of class and you will get a project to start.

Reporters: Print your questions from last time and we will plan on how to collect the data.

Kayla: Work with Brie to upload the photos and choose the best pajama outfits for the yearbook.

Zach H and Carissa:  finish fall sport rosters

Cully: We will meet in the middle of class time to discuss photographing the Cross Country team.

Zach D:  Let me know when you have entered all of the reciepts.

Friday, September 16, 2011

2012 Yearbook Leardership

Editor-and-Chief: Kaylee Burgett
Cody Editor: DeLaney DeJong
Layout Editor: Alyssa Comstock
     Assistant: Kayla Hipsher
Photo Editor: Brie Sampson
     Assistant Jaylin DeJong
Sports Editor: Cully Spears
Index Editor: Zach Howard
     Assistant: Carissa McBirnie
Elementary Book Editor: Kayla Hipsher
Elementary Photo Editor: Arianna Davis

Thanks for everyone who applied.  I have assistant editors that we can prep for next year's book and help when we are really in the thick of things.  Everyone will have projects to do and everyone is important.  This is the year we go for GOLD!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Leardership Application

Starting we will do a unit on yearbook leadership.  If you are interested in applying for a staff position, please complete the yearbook leadership application found in the Yearbook folder in GOOGLE DOCS. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ad Sales Day

Bring your checks and receipts to class.

We have the chance to work at Farm Safety on Thursday.  We will discuss this at the start of class.

Then we will discuss the ad sales process.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friday, Sept 9th

ASN:  Ad Package Review

Activity:  Good Photos Slideshow, Camera Check-out

The 2nd half of the class will register for the Yearbook Avenue Site during class.

We take the test Monday at the start of class.

Happy Weekend.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ad Packages

The Championship Package   $399
This package includes:
  • A full-page ad in the back of the 2012 yearbook
  • An imbedded ad in the introduction section of the yearbook 
  • Top billing on the Yearbook Sponsors Banner in High School Gym
  • Ad posted to school website  
  • Ad in Yearbook Display Case in entryway of school
  • Thank you page in 2012 Yearbook                
  • Announcement at first home basketball game
  • Ad in the school newsletter
  • Certificate of Appreciation
The Warhawk Package $299
This package includes:
  • Quarter-page ad in 2012 Yearbook
  • Name on the Yearbook Sponsor Banner
  • Thank you page in 2012 Yearbook
  • Announcement at home basketball game
  • Ad in the school newsletter
  • Certificate of Appreciation  

Red Package $99
This package includes:
  • An Eight-page ad in the 2012 yearbook
  • Thank you page in 2012 Yearbook 
  • Ad in school newsletter
  • Certificate of Appreciation  
White Package $50
This package includes: 
  • Thank you page in 2012 Yearbook
  • Ad in school Newsletter
  • Certificate of Appreciation 

Comic Book Effects with Photoshop

In your spare time, look through these different photoshop trips.  We will begin working on projects with them starting next Monday.

Wednesday, September 7th

Start of Class- Review How to Address An Envelop

ASN 1- Everyone will take 15 minutes and knock out the rest of the ad sale letters.  They must be in the mail today so we have to get them completed before the end of class.

IN CLASS ACTIVITY- Review Ad Packages

ASN 2- Tips for shooting in the gymnasium.

Volleyball is a notoriously difficult sport to photograph well.  During the last 10 minutes of class we will discuss settings to help overcome the built in trials of shooting inside a gym with yellow-orange flooring and poor lighting.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, Sept. 6th

Hello Yearbookers,

Thanks to all who helped make the Junior High Dance a success. Thanks to your hard work we raised $200 dollars for the yearbook expense account.

Today, we need to make sure everyone has access to the yearbook blog.

Then we will open our google docs and address envelops for the businesses we are going to visit.  We will then stuff and mail out those letters.

We will end with a discussion about the first volleyball game.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday, Sept. 1st

Happy birthday to Cully Spears!

Class Activities for TODAY...

Log onto computers next to your group members.
Open Google Docs and SHARE the document that was started yesterday.

Split the list up on 1/4 and add all the business addresses to the list.  We will send out a mailer saying when we will arrive to do ad sales next class.

3:00 Activity - We will stop and work on an AD PITCH LESSON.  Know how to introduce yourself and have a good pitch ready to go.