Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nose to the Grind Stone

We need to kick it up a notch to knock out some yearbook items. 

We will have some hard deadlines the next week.  Make sure you focus and get them done.  If you have any questions or need help, please come to me, Kaylee or DeLaney.  We are here to help you.

Big Assignments- Last week we discussed STORY TOPICS and we were supposed to have selected topics, someone to interview, and written questions in our reporters notebooks.

With all of the assemblies, early outs, field trips and PT days, I know that we are all sort of scattered on these.

We will focus on these the next four days and we WILL READ FINISHED STORIES ON MONDAY, Nov 7th.

If you still don't have a story, clear one by me ASAP!

Possible Topics-
Tornado This Summer
County Fair Stories - Dylan's Sister
Fall Sports (Volleyball's big run)
Back To School *difference between 6th and 7th grader, or big 7th grade class)
Halloween- A lot of choices here
Coaches For Cancer- What we are doing and why

Step 1- Come up with a topic.  Get it approved.

Step 2- Write questions (both open and closed ended) in your reporters notebook.

Step 3- Interview (in person) the person.  This will probably happen on your own time, before or after school, during homeroom, study hall, etc.

Step 4- Use your STORY WRITING HAND OUT to help guide your through the story writing process.

Step 5- Share your document with DeLaney so she can proof it.  FRIDAY IS A GOOD DAY TO HAVE THIS DONE BY SO SHE CAN EDIT THEM FOR YOU.


Mike V- Amy Griffin Shows Stuff At County Fair

Cully- Tanner runs to State

Brie- Haunted Houses

Ari- Open Mic Night

Kayla- Trick Or Trunk

Ann- FFA Convention

Kenzi- Brandt Fleener

Jaylin- Tornado

DeLaney- Coaches For Cancer

Brain Loving- Andrea Loving at the Fair

Kaylee- Halloween Overview

Dylan - Fair Queen

Zach H- Emily VD

Alyssa- Marching Band

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