Monday, October 10, 2011

How To Make A Custom Brush

So you want to make a ben-day dot brush to stamp on your graphic images.  Here is the easy step-by-step instructions to make it happen.

Step 1- Open Google Docs.  In the COMICBOOK shared folder there are image files.  Find the one you want to use as a brush head and save it to your desktop.

Step 2- Open it in PHOTOSHOP

Step 3- Edit>Define Brush Preset.  This will open a box that will create your own custom brush head.  Name it and save it.  Now it is saved FOREVER in your brush head pallet.  It is usually found at the bottom.

Step 4- Open the image you want to apply ben-day dots on.

Step 5- Magic Wand (W) the area you want to stamp on.

Step 6- Select the Paint Brush (B) tool.  In the Brush Head Pallet scroll to the bottom and find your new brush.  Make sure the size is correct and you have selected the color you want to stamp.

Step 7-  Now its stamping time!  Remember to save final images at TIFFS if you have a transparent background.

Now that you know the trick, you can make a brush head that looks like just about ANYTHING!

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